
Ceiling Lineup

Acoustic Mineral Fiber CeilingMade in Japan

Healthy CeilingMade in Japan

Eco CeilingMade in Japan

DAIKEN Ceilings are chosen in buildings all over the world

JR Kyoto station,Kyoto,Japan

JR Kyoto station,Kyoto,Japan

DAIKEN Ceilings are made from selected mineral rockwool fibers and special binders. The mineral rockwool fibers uniformly interwoven by the unique wet-felting process to form DAIKEN Ceilings.
Because the DAIKEN Ceilings has porous properties with a low specific gravity,they exhibit efficient thermal insulation and sound absorption qualities,while resisting sound transmission more effectively than glass fiber products.

DAIKEN makes ceiling from slag wool,
a byproduct of iron manufacturing.

JR Kyoto station,Kyoto,Japan

Slag is converted into mineral fibers, than the fibers are felted into DAIKEN Ceilings. Photo shows a piece of slag and mineral fibers.

There are many good reasons to choose DAIKEN Ceilings

Acoustic Mineral Fiber Ceiling

  • Fire Resistance
    Fire Resistance

    Outstanding fire resistance helps contain fires.

  • Sound Absorption
    Sound Absorption

    Adequately absorb the sound and create comfortable reverberant sound.

  • Thermal Insulation
    Thermal Insulation

    Thermal insulation performance is 6 times better than gypsum board, and helps to minimize cost of air conditioning.

  • Attractive Design
    Attractive Design

    With design versatility, DAIKEN ceiling are attractive.

Advantages to Builders

  • Easy installation and maintenance.
    Easy installation and maintenance.
    Most of DAIKEN Ceiling can be installed by the metal suspension system.
  • No Asbestos contained
    No Asbestos contained
    All DAIKEN Ceilings are Asbestos-free products.